4 Important Reasons Why You Must Have Health Insurance 

Health Insurance

Many of us often make the mistake of delaying buying health insurance. We often feel that we are in great shape and that things probably won’t go wrong. However, that very word ‘probably’ is too big of a risk to take. A single, unexpected illness can set you back by several lakhs of rupees. And, if a family member happens to also fall ill as well, your entire savings might get wiped out. Having health insurance to back you up will truly prove to be a boon in such a situation. 

Let’s take a closer look at 4 reasons why it is so important to have health insurance as soon as possible. 


  • Protects your hard-earned savings


This is, perhaps, the most important reason why you need to buy health insurance immediately. Even if you look after your health, there are certain illnesses which are not in our hands. If you suddenly get impacted by one of these conditions, you could run up a hospital bill that can drain your savings. Having a health insurance policy will help you by ensuring you do not have to meet all the heavy expenses on your own. The best health insurance policies offer a good sum insured at affordable premiums and cover you for hospitalisation expenses, pre-and post-hospitalisation expenses, , ambulance charges and a whole lot more. 


  • Offers many additional benefits


Your health insurance policy does much more than simply covering you for medical treatment costs. You also receive other benefits such as a free medical check-up after you fulfil the insurer’s required claim-free period. This free medical check-up might actually lead to the early diagnosis of health issues that you probably were not even aware of. In this way, you can stay in touch with your wellness and take all early measures required to deal with a disease.  


  • Safeguards against the rising costs of medical care


The costs of medical care are anything but stagnant. They usually keep rising each year. Having a health insurance policy means that you will not have to worry about dealing with these rising costs on your own. In a way, health insurance helps safeguard you against any inflation in the costs of medical care. You can breathe easy knowing that you can access the best in medical care when you need it. 


  • Offers access to cashless treatment


This is, perhaps, another of the main reasons why it is so important to have health insurance. Insurance providers have tie-ups with network hospitals where you can avail cashless treatment. This facility can prove immensely helpful as we often cannot arrange for cash at the last minute during an illness. You can simply contact your insurer and follow their due process for making a cashless claim. The best health insurance policies have a wide range of hospitals so that you can access cashless facility in your hour of need.

We hope that these reasons have shed light on why it is so important to buy health insurance. Take care!